Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Dream Job....

Good Morning to all!!!

Easter is upon on us and this time of year always puts everything in is such a time of renewal and wonderment (at least for me).... This post touches upon my dream job....which I actually already have each and every day as a wife and mom! I love my job and would not trade it for anything in the world....that being said, my other dream job involves food...big surprise, huh?! I could spend hours planning menus and then preparing those menus for people! I get so excited when someone asks my opinion on "what they should serve...what pairs well with this or that....I need a dessert me". I go into culinary overdrive...seriously! Last night is a great example of kitchen creativity gone wild for me - my sweet sis-in-law Lora asked about what to serve with Cornish hens...HOLY COW....get outta my way...the cookbooks were everywhere...flipping thru well worn pages, trying to remember which book had which much fun for me! I hopefully didn't overwhelm her with my enthusiasm! Now if someone would only create a demand for my menu planning skills and pay me for it...what a dream!

Have a blessed and beautiful day!


1 comment:

  1. You make me smile! Thank you for all of your awesome ideas!! You ROCK!!! :)
