Saturday, January 22, 2011

Girlfriends...the other members of our families!

Typically, I post tasty recipes or stories from my own personal family circus. This post touches on another aspect of family…our “girlfriend families”. We all have a group of close gal pals that when you think about it are truly more like family than anything else. This network of women are the ones you share your daily life with…laugh over glasses of wine…wipe tears when hurting…stand tall and supportive when one of you stumbles…relying on each other to make it through this dance we call life.

Our girlfriend families seem to understand us better at times than our own Moms, sisters, even husbands. When life gets the best of us, we turn to the women who know us oh so well and suddenly the dark clouds lift, the heartache ceases and smiling is again easy. It is so very important for each of us, as women, to have a “girlfriend family” ready and waiting to pull us in, keep us safe and hold us up when our burdens are too heavy.

My girlriend family is made up of the most amazing women…EVER! I am blessed to have these smart, witty, beautiful, creative, honest, passionate women in my life and thank God every day for their presence. We laugh together, cry together, rant & vent together, pray together…we are the true definition of family.

As I watch my two young daughters blossom, I hope (and pray) that as adults they will find the same. My wish for them is simple... to find those friends, those women who will not only be there in good times, but will stand by their sides during bad times too. A member of one’s girlfriend family doesn’t run and hide when things get ugly…instead they come together and take care of the matter at hand...whether it is helping juggle kids and soccer schedules or pitching in during times of illness or grief…the women in your girlfriend family are there…NO MATTER WHAT!!!

You know who makes up your girlfriend family…let those awesome women know how much you love them…how thankful you are to have them in your world. This blog post is my way of letting my girlfriend family (you know who are) know just that!

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